First inning: Nate scored a run. Score is something to something. (I arrived a little late.)
Second inning: The other team gets one run, but Julie got us a run, giving us the edge with a score of 1-2.
Third inning: Nothing eventful happened.
Fourth inning: The other team scores one, tying up the game at 2-2.
Fifth inning: This is where the tides turned. We scored five runs this inning. Mike and Amy got the first two scores for us. John was going to go for home, when the catcher got the ball at home, and was ready to throw it back to third. John's face was amazing as he realized he was trapped. He ran for third, and good for us, they dropped the ball, allowing John to stay safe. After a bit, Kyle went up to bat, getting an amazing play for us, bringing John and Carleen home, and bringing himself to third, all in that one play. Kyle them managed to score a run for home, but at the price of stepping on a bat and falling gracefully to the ground.
Sixth inning: The other team scores one run. Julie struck out, prompting here to say "I can't be patient!" which made me laugh. That actually may not be eventful at all, come to think of it.
Seventh inning: We played to 7 innings. I know! That has not happened in a while. Basically, "they" scored two runs, ending the game at 5-7, our favor.
Actually, he looks like he is skipping, but I think he ran.
Who is that behind the fence?
The answer will come next week.
Next week: We play at the same time, 6:15 p.m. EDT. But folks, WE HAVE A DOUBLE-HEADER. If we win, we get to play immediately after our game. If we lose, we have to wait it out until 9:00 p.m. EDT. There is no avoiding playing two games. It is a reality. Meaning I get to take lots of pictures! And it means we get to prove just how brilliant and excellent players we are two times in a row. That is how good we are. Amazing.
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