Optional Batting Practice

It has come to my attention that we did not come completely prepared offensively for our game, and I as a coach am taking full responsibility. Our run production would also support that (only scoring 7 runs, whereas the first two times we played Dykhuis Farms we put up substantially better numbers). Check with coach Nate for the exact numbers.

The coaching staff has come to a mutual agreement and thought it would be beneficial to offer a optional batting practice/fielding practice before our game next week Wednesday starting at 5:15. This will only be taking place if enough people respond back to let me know they are interested, otherwise try to be at the ball field at 6:00.
Let me know if this is something you would like to do asap.

On a last note, continue to strive for those season goals that I encouraged you to set for yourselves, there is still plenty of time to accomplish them yet.
If anyone has accomplished one of their goals for the season feel free to share with everyone!

Coach K

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