It took a while, but, here are the pictures from the last game:

Butler stares on intently.

Nate takes a swing at bat.

Rebecki gives it her all.

"Nice crack, But!" - uttered by [name redacted]

Mike runs to catch a ball in the outfield.

Nate catches a rolling ball. (A fast ball, too!)

Run, Julie,
Lucky Number 13 gets ready at bat.

Kelli starts to sprint to first.

John "the marathon man" Jurries dashes for first.
girl is outside the camera's range of focus?
Previous week's answer: Nate VanderVliet
Jason and Courtney are ready to take the other team on.

Nate gets ready for action.

Carleen takes some frustration out on the softball.
Pssst! Becki, your tag is showing!
Fix that before anyone photographs you, okay?

Kelli's up to bat...

....And she gets a run!

Kyle gets ready to score another run.

Jessica gets ready to "color
inside the lines."

John takes another turn at home.

Julie and Carleen watch from the bullpen.

Amy takes another swing at bat.

Jason grimaces to see what he needs to see.

Jessica plays catcher, underneath those magnificent lights.

Good game, guys! Good. game.
Next game: Wednesday, June 18, at 6:00 p.m. EDT. SIX o'clock! The game will be done by 7! We get to play softball and still have time afterwards to do stuff. It is going to be amazing. And, in theory, there will be plenty of sunlight, so Chuck can hopefully get some good shots. (Plus, most of these have been in the dark, or low light. Having a bit more sun will help them stand out!)
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