Three weeks winning, three weeks cold, three weeks wet.
We have not had a single dry game. The outfield has never been great for catching balls, the fans have never been extremely comfortable, and the weather has just not plain cooperated. But yet, through it all, the team perseveres and we win another game. While having win after win piling up, it may begin to seem routine and ordinary, but the fact that we have a three-game winning streak is
simply incredible. And it would never happen without this year's current lineup. Go team! And keep going forward, to the next game.

The rain clouds move in as the sun moves out.

The Russ' team waits around for the other teams to finish playing in the field.

Coach Kyle watches the progress.

Kelli hits the ball to third base.

Amy hits a ball and takes off running.

Mike evaluates the field.

Cal gets ready to pitch.

Becki shows off a little 'tude there!

Carleen is a very focused player.

Kyle watches from the dugout.

Jessica keeps her hands warm.
Why? Because it was

Melissa is all bundled up, trying to keep at a good temperature.

Cal gets ready to go up to bat.

John, trying to stay awake, looks on.
GUESSING GAME, WEEK THREE: Which player is behind the fence?
Previous week's answer: Mike Johnson.
Julie tries for a little patience. ;)

The birthday boy runs for first.

Amy and Kelly chat it up.

Alyssa is probably numbed by now from the cold weather.

Even Carleen had to break out the hat!

Jason steps in as the relief pitcher.

Chuck takes a look at what's happening in the infield...

Happy birthday, John! Have some cupcakes. :D
Next week's game is at 8:45 pm.m
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