Russ' Softball won their second game this season. A great victory to be sure, but hardly surprising. This season's all-star team continues to push themselves harder and further with each game. Your friendly media manager was on field to take pictures. And, as promised, here are some
good pictures. (The deal is: win a game, get good pictures. Lose a game, get bad pictures.)
Courtney Johnson makes her big debut this week.
John takes a stab at pitching during practice.
The Johnson siblings!
Carleen follows the ball.
Jason evaluates the situation before he takes his next pitch.
The spectators keep warm during another cold night.
GUESSING GAME, WEEK TWO: Who is that behind the fence?
Previous week's answer: Carleen. These two players recover after pretty much running into each other and falling down(?).
I wish I had gotten that on video... it was terrificly funny to watch!
Amy gets ready to make another catch.
Rebecki waits patiently on the sidelines.
(Are there sidelines in baseball?)
The team watches the batter-up from the bullpen.
Nate takes a swing at bat.
Team pictures, week two!
(This is so we had one where we didn't need to Photoshop Courtney in. ^_^)
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