Russ' '07 Softball Roster

1.) John "The Jogger" Jurries
2.) Brian "The Baller"
3.) Lynnae "Paint Me A Picture" Dykstra
4.) Alyssa "Heart Softball" Buist (Assistant Coach)
5.) Nate VanderVliet (Coach)
6.) Melissa Elzinga
7.) Carleen "I'm Faster Than You" Dykstra
8.) Derek "Big Papi" V.R.
9.) Andy "I Like Knives" Talsma
10.) Dan "The Big Unit" Pastoor
11.) Luke "Lou Lou" Bomer
12.) Kyle Vander Kooy (Coach)
13.) Cherie "Dedication" DenHollander

Possible Subs (If Healthy)
1.) Cal "I'm The MVP No Matter What"
2.) Dave "I Cook A Mean Hamburger"
3.) Sue "The Slugger" Dykstra

“Winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don't like to do”


Charles Jurries said...

I love all of those nicknames. Too funny!

Alyssa said...

You forgot to put assistant coach behind my name

Nae said...

You can add Sue the Slugger Dykstra to the Sub list.