The morning saw rain, and the afternoon was very gray and dreary. However, by the time we got to practice, it started to clear up a little, and was a little bit sunny for the game.

Coach Nate supervises practice time.

Brian takes some hits. As in, softball practice. Not as in physical abuse.

Hi, slightly-out-of-focus Leslie!

And its off to the main field for the game!

Some unnamed people try to avoid the camera.

Its laughing time!

See? Laughing time.

No one's laughing, Jason. You can stop.

Nate looks on from the bench, as Alyssa writes in the scorebook.

This is my favorite picture of the night. Dan and Kyle look on after a play. Don't ask me which play, I don't know. For all I know, they were looking at a squirrel. Very intensely.

Lots of players and fans tonight!

Hi, Rebecca!

John gets ready to bat.

This photo of Grace brought to you by... Meijer. (Because of the blue Meijer bag? Sponsorship joke? Yeah? .... anyone?)

Derek came by to watch the team play, so, naturally, he and Brian smoked together.

Oohh! Steep angle!

This week's challenge: Whose shoes are these?
Last week's answer: Julie VanVoorst
Devan smiles on.

Mike tosses one bat in and he goes up to home plate.

From zero to... well, its still zero, actually.

It's Kelli! And lucky number 13.

It is a laughing kind of a night, isn't it?

Smile smile. (Yes, I'm running out of caption material

Sometimes, I actually bother to get an action shot. Like right here.

Brian gets ready to hit the ball, which is thrown by the pitcher to the batter. (There, did I change the captions up enough?)

Dan and John discuss the game thus far.

And from their talk, John goes out onto the field.

Nice hat, Jason.

And now the game is done. Goodbye, Russ' team + fans!
Next week's game is at 6:05 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. For those who are on Pacific time, please adjust accordingly./
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