Time for a super-deluxe photo spectacular! More photos than your computer can load efficiently. Isn't this just cool?

Jason practices pitching until Brian shows up.

Nate goes over the team roster, making sure everything's in order.

Everybody practicing on the field.

Chillin' with the kids.

Julie's looking at
something. I don't know the context of photos, I just take them! ;)

Pre-game talk, while waiting for our field to clear out.

The roster!

Brian pitches both games for us.

Becks gets ready to catch some balls!
(Yeah, there's no real way to make that sound exciting, is there?)

Nate. Standing.

Oh look, here's Brian again! Out of the 300+ photos taken, I picked
Let's try to change things up now...

The fans watch the game, not the photographer. :)

Julie makes a run for first base.

Look at Brian run! This is what I lacked last year: action shots. Let's see if that improves this year.

Nate adjusting his cap as he responds to a teammate's comment. (Maybe about the hat?)
Oh, also, he's smiling. (Yes, he can!)

LOL, Jason! Legs are for balance, not falling down!

He's a good sport about it. At least he didn't have far to fall down! (Get it? Because he's shorter than the average West Michigan man? Haha?.... I laughed.)

John smiles as he goes up to bat.

Kids are cute.
Am I right?
This week's guessing game: Whose shoes are those?
Last week's answer: Becki. Congrats to Vicki for answering right first!
Sarah gets ready to catch.

Ooh! Blurry semi-action!
This is new, you have not seem much of this before.

Kyle gets ready for his turn at bat.

Hi, Kelzinga!

Mike focuses on the ball.

Brian takes a swing at bat. (Swing at bat... swing... bat... ? Boy, is this a tough crowd or what?)

A sun-beaten Carleen lets the ball have it.

John gets ready for another turn.

Nate, in action.

The coaches look on at their team.

Butler gets ready... for
whatever may happen. What if they throw cans of soup? He'll be ready. Soccer balls? He'll be ready. He's ready for
whatever may happen.

Nope, nothing in there, Dan. You have to
catch something.

Melissa, catching and doing her best not to get hit by the ball.

Watching from a distance. See that? That is called a "wide shot." This is supposed to give you some sense of perspective, keeps things alive and interesting. Did it do that for you? .... No? Well, its there, at any rate.

Kyle gets ready to...

... run!

Sarah takes another turn at bat.

Hi, Moe!

Hi, Sarah!

Devan, Nate and Dan ponder the game's actions.

Lucky number seven!

Walking through the gate.

Nate smiles, because, it takes more work to
not smile, so why not brighten the day?

Devan gets his game face on.

Mike wonders if there are any treats left after the game.
Next game: Wednesday, 7:10 p.m. eastern time.
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