This was the first week of tournaments. Did we win? Did we lose? When do we play next? The simple answer to all those questions is: we don't know yet. Chances are, we'll
resume playing the game sometime next week. As in, pick up where we left off. But there were other games, other teams that did not get to play tonight, so the schedule has to be re-worked to accommodate
them, and, well, I do not envy being in charge of the games over there right now. It is no doubt a mini-nightmare and I wish them the best.
As soon as there is information, I'm sure Kyle, Nate or myself will update this site with the relevant information.
Here are the people who scored runs, in the two-and-a-half innings we played:
First inning - Nate, Kyle, Becki, Dan
Second inning - John, Carleen, Kyle
The top of the third was interrupted by the winds pushing ahead of a storm system, causing sand to go flying everywhere. Then more lightning came, and the rain. The umpires told everyone to seek shelter for 15 minutes, to see if the system would blow over by then. After a while, it became clear that it would not. Everybody was released to go home. And if anybody has been out there, and knows the parking lot, you can imagine how much fun it was to try to get out when everyone is trying to flee.
There was very vivid lightning, very close-to-where-you-where lightning. The kind that kind of made you want to swear. It was slightly spooky, but a lot of fun. ANNNNDDD we still played for two innings, so you still get a photospread! And yes, I took all this in just two innings. I know. I know.

Dan gets ready to serve another pitch.

Nate contemplates where he should send the ball. (I ASSUME.)

Carleen gets ready for her moment of glory.

Number 25 gets ready to give us another run.

Julie, who was able to make it to the game after scaring us,
by warning us that she may not be able to.

Mike, looking amused and slightly confused by the pitcher's comedy.

Courtney reacts to the pitcher's comedy show.

Even John gets in on it!

Look at this happy team!

John keeps an eye on the action.

Becks gets ready to get a run.

Dan, ready to score us a point.

The gust front causes a neat cloud formation.

This was taken as the winds were dying down,
but you can still kind of see sand flying around.

The star of the night, the storm!

Grace and John wait for word on if the game is still on or not.

Grace took this while I was driving home.
It has nothing to do with softball, but, it's cool!
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