Prospective Roster

This is the prospective roster for the upcoming softball season and will probably change. Also, this is a tentative batting order for guys and girls. It is obviously a rough draft but I figured I would give you look into what I'm thinking for the upcoming season, feel free to make changes and post them in the comments if you want I'll take them into consideration. If you have any problems just let me know.
Coach Nate


1.) Carleen "Do-Rag" Dykstra
2.) Becki "Bonds" Looyenga
3.) Kelli "K-Rod" Elzinga
4.) Julie "When are you leaving?" Van Voorst
5.) Stacy "Don't know how to spell my own last name" Klawiter
6.) Courtney "Look at me!" Johnson
7.) Kim "Pregnant?" Most
8.) Jessica "Hello Kitty" Squires
9.) Jenn "#1 fan" Spencer


1.) Nate "Ground baller" VanderVliet (Coach)
2.) Dan "The Dandelion Picker" Pastoor
3.) Kyle "Seed Thrower" Vander Kooy (Coach)
4.) Brian "The Donkey" TenBrock
5.) John "Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt" Jurries
6.) Jason "I have a hot sister" Butler------Cut--------

Possible Players (If healthy)
1.) Cal "I'm the worlds greatest" Racey
2.) Dave "Wyoming"

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